Being intimate is one thing you can’t and must never take out of any strong relationship. It is one of the very few things that defines a healthy relationship.
Although, as we all know, with love, two people in a romantic relationship can go on and on with their affair and nothing might happen. But we need to keep in mind that love is not the only thing that must be present in a romantic relationship.
With only love present in the relationship and little or no intimacy, things might drive to a stop sooner or later with both partners feeling bored and fed up. That should be enough to explain to you the importance of reevaluating the need for strong intimacy in relationships. Since we are talking of couples only, we will stick with intimacy related to romantic relationships.
Naturally, the world is at a stage where people are always busy with work, married couples included. And so, as a result of that, very little attention is given to how important intimacy can be, especially in this kind of situation where people seems to be always stressed with work.
But the one thing you must keep in mind is, it is at this stage where intimacy is really needed to keep that fire of love burning, because as stated earlier, love can be meaningless without real intimacy.
In short, as married couples, you can do better than always saying “I love you.” And supposing you both do better than that, we will in the same way still discuss some key things to keep in mind concerning intimacy, such that, it will help you and your spouse to get the best experience in your relationship.
And this article is just about that. In this article, we will take a look at some of the ways, couples can increase the level of intimacy you have with your spouse.
Intimacy, What Is It Really?
Intimacy is said to be the feeling of deep emotional, physical, and intellectual relationship between people.
It is not only in romantic relationships that intimacy occurs, and it is not actually a term that is solely attributed to sex, as most of us have been thinking.
The thing is, in romantic relationships, intimacy comes in many forms, and it’s important to know what you’re doing with your spouse anytime.
We will go through some of these types of intimacy first, and then we will look at some ways to enhance any intimate habits you might want to actually enjoy with your spouse.
Types Of Intimacy, Ways To Enhance The Experience
In romantic relationships, intimacy is a term that goes beyond just communication, spending time together, or even having sex.
There is more to intimacy than you would have already been made aware of. The following are some of the types of intimacy you need to keep in mind.
Physical Intimacy
This is what we all know. This form of intimacy normally involves not only physical touches like cuddling, hugs, and kisses, but also sex.
This is the most common type of intimacy. With this form of intimacy, couples are able to enjoy some time together and give each other the required attention.
However, as time goes on, there arises a problem when both couples become used to the same things. Such as it might be that both couples become bored of the same kind of thing going on repeatedly.
This problem arises when things like sex become routinely, hence predictable and actual physical connection becomes bland, therefore ridding physical intimacy of its magic.
Also, another problem that arises concerning physical intimacy is when both partners become so engrossed in work that they hardly get enough time for each other.
When things like these go on, intimacy loses its hold on the relationship, and so does the love.
How To Enhance The Experience
The first thing to keep in mind is to make sure both of you are honest about how you feel about the situation.
If your spouse is not ready to point out the obvious, then you have to do it. Let your spouse know how uninteresting the whole thing has now become.
Then, from there, you both can then figure out new ways to go about it. If it’s the sex that has become predictable, devise new plans and strategies to go about it.
Look for new ways to enjoy it together. Honestly, you both must not be afraid to explore the use of sex toys. They make everything lively and beautiful.
And the second thing to keep in mind is that, you must be ready to put a pause on things.
If it is about the physical connection that is just fading out, learn to give each other some time. Giving each other some time for themselves is crucial especially when things become bland.
It is a very common feeling to suddenly feel uninterested in anything related to physical intimacy. That is human.
When that happens, the best thing to do is to give each other some time for themselves
Emotional Intimacy
Normally, this is what makes people feel loved. This is actually the type of intimacy that makes people never want to fall out of love because it is the most enjoyable one.
How wonderful is it to have someone of the opposite sex who loves you conditionally or not, accepts you for who you are, does not judge you, and treats you just right?
This is what emotional intimacy is about. This is one of the strongest foundations on which love normally thrives even without physical intimacy. Because in this form of intimacy, the couple are able to be vulnerable to each other and share in each other’s fears and sorrows.
That way, they are able to effectively build trust and love each other through the good times and the bad alike. But the thing is, sometimes, it is not as rosy as stated here.
Most of what I have stated here normally does not happen in real life as things happen, and when these things happen, they do not help to make the relationship thrive as it should.
You might be wanting to know what some of these things are. Well, first of all, it happens at times that both romantic partners are unable to fully open up about their fears and vulnerabilities.
And they do so for good reasons too, because it might happen that this same person has been let down before, sometime ago, and as a way of protecting their own emotional well-being, they end up not revealing all their cards.
When this happens, it makes the relationship unbalanced as the other might have already fully invested everything into the relationship; it leaves the person in a danger zone as anything can happen.
Aside from that, sometimes miscommunication happens, where misunderstandings become more likely to occur.
When things like these happen, it makes the relationship very fragile, and this is not what we want. There are other factors that make the experience of intimacy in relationships somewhat lame.
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How To Enhance The Experience
The first thing we must focus on when it comes to emotional intimacy is honesty. It is very key and must never be underrated.
Although sometimes it feels very hard to come clean about your real vulnerabilities—to let your partner know what makes you the real you.
It is sometimes hard, but, usually, it is the best choice you can make in order to avoid any unwanted future situations. Once you both are able to be honest and are both fully vulnerable in the relationship, you both do your very best to make sure the relationship survives.
And for that to happen, you both end up investing heavily in it as well, with time, energy, and anything possible. Once you are able to fully realise how your partner accepts you for who you are, regardless of your past, you will come to realise how enjoyable intimacy can sometimes become.
It opens for the both of you, new doors to explore each other more. Humans are humans and will always be.
There are things you are yet to know about your partner, and there might never be an end to it.These things make intimacy a very deep concept when it comes to relationships.
Another thing you might want to consider to help you enhance the experience to be got from intimacy is to make sure that both you and your partner find ways to navigate emotional burnouts.
When emotional burnouts occur, it becomes very hard for the other forms of intimacy to even take place. Even the most basic one—physical intimacy.
Normally this can result from pressures from work, stress with responsibilities, and many other things. When it is not addressed as effectively as it should, it can turn into a problem.
Intellectual Intimacy
This form of intimacy transcends physical intimacy. You can say it is related to emotional intimacy but not quiet.
This form of intimacy occurs when you both stimulate each other mentally by engaging in some things, such as having normal conversations about subjects of interest.
With this form of intimacy, both partners learn to appreciate the thought processes of the other. They share ideas, think about current issues, and in the end, make sure they both stand on common ground, even though at first they might have been having conflicting views.
Most couples, even with the help of this form of intimacy, are able to devise a future plan with the same goal in mind that will, in the long run, help them to nurture the relationship as well as grow together.
Normally, once both couples make sure to go about this form of intimacy, they grow together in love and everything.
But when there is a slight misunderstanding that is not resolved or not attended to, it can turn out to be a huge problem for both partners, such that, when care is not taken, both partners will end up developing conflicting interests.
It happens, and when relationships head towards that path, the only thing that normally comes to mind is the dead end.
Also, another thing most couples disregard is failure to pursue in-depth conversations. These forms of conversations help both partners to get to know how and why the other does some things. Once the couple fails to prioritise this key thing in relationships, it makes having intellectual intimacy a problem.
How To Enhance The Experience
The best way to enhance both your experience with this kind of intimacy is to learn to appreciate. That is the least you can do.
Once your spouse knows that you care about what they think, they also start to value yours even more, in the end giving you both a more solid foundation for a relationship that is full of trust and love.
Also, the next thing you must make sure to never forget is to make sure that misunderstandings are resolved once they are encountered.
Because such blunders have caused a lot of people to lose the love of their lives. If in case you were at fault, make sure to accept responsibility, say sorry, and then move on.
It shows that you are intellectually mature and are ready to make sure that your partner stands on the same level as you; that way, this form of intimacy becomes much more enjoyable.
And finally, never forget how important deep conversations are, especially as far as intellectual intimacy is concerned. Once you are able to keep note of this, be assured that you will enjoy intimacy to the highest level yet.
Final Words
These three forms of intimacy are very key when it comes to any romantic relationship. Without them, you both might as well just declare yourselves siblings. Because they define what a true romantic relationship should entail.
Relationships have their problems, they come and go. Intimacy however makes sure that you both will continue to love yourselves.
Although, the whole concept of love is not dependent on it, it is still one of the important factors that help romantic relationships to thrive, hence every couple out there must endeavour to find some ways to make these things as wonderful as possible.