If you’re hoping to find a way to replace missing teeth with a natural-looking solution, consider dental implants in Clapham.
It’s an effective dental solution that can improve your quality of life and restore functionality so that you can enjoy a healthy, happy smile once more.
Dental implant surgery has been proven to be a clinically safe procedure, and patients can choose from single-tooth or multiple-teeth implants. The results are long-lasting since dental implants are incredibly durable.
Choose dental implants to boost your self-esteem and restore your smile
If you find yourself feeling self-conscious or embarrassed about the way your teeth look, it may be time to consider treatment with dental implants. Dental implantation has become a popular alternative to dentures and offers a wide range of benefits.
One of the leading advantages is the increase in the patient’s self-confidence. Missing teeth may cause embarrassment, and some patients tend to shy away from social interactions; this may negatively impact their confidence and limit their interactions with family members or friends. If you find yourself experiencing this symptom, it may be time to seek advice on whether you would be a viable candidate for dental implantation.
Following dental implant surgery, patients have become empowered and feel confident to engage and interact with others.
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Look forward to improved digestion and no restrictions when dining out
Do you struggle with dining out due to certain limitations on your diet? Missing or loose teeth may impact your ability to bite and chew with ease and could affect your diet as a result.
Thanks to dental implants, patients can look forward to enjoying a variety of foods with improved bite forces and no limitations. In addition, you may also enjoy improved digestion, which can positively impact your general health and well-being.
What is involved in having dental implants, and does it require major surgery?
Patients who may feel nervous about the procedure can enjoy peace of mind knowing they will not be required to undergo major surgery. The implantation process will be performed under local anaesthesia and not result in any major pain or discomfort.
The recovery process also requires minimal downtime, so you can enjoy living life to the fullest soon after the procedure is complete. Should you feel any signs of discomfort, over-the-counter painkillers can help combat any symptoms.
Are all patients considered suitable candidates for dental implants?
The good news is that many patients have been deemed viable candidates for dental implants, and it requires a simple consultation and assessment. Your local dentist may wish to take a few x-rays of your teeth and gums and can determine whether or not you are suitable for treatment with dental implants. Once approved, the smile makeover can begin, and a personalised plan of action can be created to start the process.
If you or a loved one would like to replace missing teeth, consider dental implants as a dental treatment of choice. Dental implants can not only offer a natural-looking solution but also result in a variety of benefits you can enjoy for years to come.