Change is the only constant – we’re all familiar with that phrase. But change doesn’t only mean external change; it also refers to personal growth.
The human brain is designed to keep learning and soaking in information and it is our curiosity to want to know more, find out more, and learn more that makes the human race a superior species.
Listed below are five ways to keep learning, no matter what age we are or work we do or benchmark we have reached in our professional lives. Whether it is related to your field of work or is something completely different like a hobby, it’s always good to upskill and keep growing.
5 ways to upskill and keep learning
1. Stay abreast of the news
It’s always good to know what’s happening around the world. It doesn’t matter if you aren’t interested in politics or world news, you don’t need to know the in-depth details, but it is beneficial to know what’s going on in and around the world. Staying abreast of the news keeps you aware, informed and continuously learning.
2. Learn a new skill related to your profession
You could be in your field of work since the past twenty years, but that doesn’t mean you know everything there is to know. Or that you have exhausted all the related learning resources.
In today’s fast-paced and constantly changing world, with technology, inventions and upgrades moving at the speed of light, it is more important than ever to make sure you know the latest developments in your field of work.
This might involve training on new software (for instance, the Adobe creative suite is often updated and works differently to prior versions), or equipment like integrating better tattoo transfer paper with red ink into your process. This often deepens your craft, and inspires your interest in it once more.
In the event you have to change jobs, or there’s a senior opening in your line of work, you will be aptly qualified for the role as you are already a step ahead of the game.
3. Have a hobby and keep developing it
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Indeed! It is essential you have at least one hobby, or something besides your work that you enjoy doing. It could be a sport, music, painting – anything to keep the creative side of your brain active.
And there’s no harm in developing your hobby further too – who knows, it could lead to an extra source of income, or perhaps an exciting change of career?
Attend an art class if you’re fond of painting; join a tennis club if that’s a game you enjoy or learn an instrument if music is what stimulates you.
4. Make your presence felt online
Social media is everywhere and you cannot ignore its presence or significance. If you’re not on any of the social media platforms, consider upping your game and joining the party (this will depend on your field of work of course, but most industries and businesses are now on one or more social media platforms).
Learn the tricks of the trade and start promoting your business on social media. It’s also a great way to network with like-minded people and get news.
5. Networking
Networking is extremely important for growth and there are numerous ways to meet new people and learn new things. Whether it is through online forums or social media platforms or events relevant to your line of work or interests, keep networking!