Teeth Health; How A Dentist In Chiswick Can Help

There is a lot more that goes into routine dentistry than meets the eye. Keeping the mouth, jaw, and teeth healthy can be a taxing job, especially when considering what our teeth go through on a day-to-day basis. Many people feel exhausted after a long day and take the time to relax, but their teeth often do not get the same consideration.

Teeth work hard on a constant basis, whether that be when smiling, talking, eating, or even experiencing foreign objects in the mouth, for example when patients absentmindedly chew on pens while working. There are a number of treatments, however, that a dentist in Chiswick offers to keep on track of dental health, and a number of treatments to help improve it.

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4 ways a dentist can help with your teeth health

Wisdom teeth extractions

For some people, gaining their third molars, or their wisdom teeth can be a pain-free experience. They might not even notice that they have come in until felt with their tongue. For others, though, the pain can be excruciating, often due to there being not enough space for the wisdom teeth to grow fully.

When this happens, the wisdom teeth become impacted and can emerge in angels or only partially emerge. The pain experienced from this emergence can often stop patients from going about their day-to-day lives, which is why getting into a dental practice and getting a wisdom tooth extraction appointment booking is the best way to ensure dental health.

Root canal treatments

Root canal treatments can be extremely important for some patients when they are experiencing dental discomfort. What starts out as a small infection in the tooth can easily grow into a much larger one and spread across the mouth, face, and into the body, causing only more problems.

During the procedure, the practitioner will take care to remove the infected nerve and pulp before cleaning out the rest of the tooth, making sure that no infection stays behind. If not removed and dealt with swiftly, the bacteria can cause an abscess in the tooth, which is a pus-filled socket.

This abscess can cause excessive swelling in the face, neck, and head, cause bone loss around the tip of the root, and can, eventually, create a hole that will drain the infection into the skin.


Some patients suffer from bruxism, also known as teeth grinding or jaw clenching. This problem can be seen across many patients but can damage the teeth to a serious extent and cause further problems within the jaw. The side effects caused by bruxism can have a serious impact on the quality of life that the patient experiences, which is why it is so important to have it treated and improve dental health.

Splints are just one way to relieve jaw pain and headaches by fitting a device over the teeth to prevent clenching and grinding. Another popular way is through the use of mouthguards, which are a rubber-like material that fits over the teeth and gums, offering protection and preventing broken or dislocated jaws.


In extreme cases, when an abnormality or lesion is found in the mouth, it is important to know that a biopsy is available to keep on top of a patient’s health. The practitioner will remove a mouth tissue simply before sending it off for analysis and waiting about one week for the results.

4 ways a dentist can help with your teeth health

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