Restoring Your Smile With Oral Implants

What exactly are they?

Oral implants are small titanium screws that are inserted into the gum in order to create an artificial root for a new replacement tooth. These small pillars not only create a stable base for the tooth but also help to stimulate new bone growth in the surrounding jaw.

Having gaps within the smile and an alteration to facial definition is not something anyone wants and therefore dental implants Hertfordshire are put in place to preserve the smile.

dentist holding implant

How do they work?

When it comes to having a dental procedure or undergoing dental treatment, it is important for your dental team to first ensure that the procedure or treatment is the most suitable for your individual case.

Although a dental implant may be the procedure you are inclined to favor, there are a variety of factors that need to be taken into consideration so as to ensure that the implant is the most practical solution. The important part is to make certain that whichever solution is used provide a long-term fix.

In order to ensure that the right solution is found, the first appointment will always be a consultation. During this appointment, your dental team will give your mouth, teeth, and gums a thorough examination.

Whilst a physical examination is important, it is also necessary to gain a more in-depth view, and therefore a series of digital photographs and potentially X-rays will be taken. This entire process enables your dental team to view all the different aspects of your case, decide whether any extra measures may be needed such as a bone graft, as well as answer any questions that may come to light.

For the more standard cases that do not require extra measures, once the consultation appointment has taken place, the procedure will be the next step. The area of the gum will be injected with a local anaesthetic in order to numb the site in preparation for the oral implant.

A small dental drill will then be used to drill into the numbed area and the tiny titanium post, known as a dental implant, will be inserted into the jawbone. A temporary crown or bridge will then be fitted to the post until the area has healed.

Several weeks later, once sufficient healing has taken place and your dentist is happy with the area, a permanent tooth replacement can be applied to the implant.

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Do you need one implant per tooth?

When a single tooth is lost, it may not feel like a big deal, but for those with multiple teeth missing, it can be hard. The good news is that one implant can secure a few teeth in place, however, this will be discussed with you by your dental team. Restoring the full smile is entirely possible.

Are implants available on the NHS?

As there are multiple tooth replacement options, the use of oral implants is considered a more cosmetic approach and they are, therefore, currently only available privately. In some exceptional circumstances, they may be available through the NHS, but this will always be discussed with you by the dental team.

Restoring Your Smile With Oral Implants

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