25 Questions With Shelbee Of Shelbee On The Edge

shelbee on the edge

Shelbee is a style blogger at Shelbee on the edge. And today, she shares a little more about herself with us.

Where would you go if you were invisible?
Wow, that’s a really loaded question. I feel like being invisible anywhere is so dishonest! But I do have a strange curiosity about how celebrities live and act within the privacy of their own homes. I am certain they are just regular people. But it might be interesting to see it first hand without their knowledge that an outsider is watching so that I would get a true and accurate picture. But again, that seems so dishonest and intrusive! 

What’s your favourite ice cream?
Vanilla all the way! It is the perfect blank canvas to be creative with toppings. Some of my favorite combinations to add to vanilla ice cream are pretzel crisps with caramel syrup, granola with peanut butter, peanut butter with chocolate chips, honey with cinnamon, fresh fruit with butterscotch syrup, and always with whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles on top. 

What’s your dream job?
Being a writer with a sustainable income which hopefully would lead to speaking engagements as well. I enjoy motivating and inspiring through my words. If I could make a living that way, all of my dreams would be reality. 

What is your biggest addiction?
All things fashion but mostly shoes. I have always been a shoe addict since I was a very young child and the stranger, the bolder, the more creative the footwear, the more I want to own it. 

Describe yourself using one word.

How do you show someone you love them?
I am very affectionate with my actions and words. I express love through hugging and cuddling, giving meaningful gifts, cooking favorite dishes, and indulging the interests of my loved ones. 

Do you like your name?
I used to passionately hate my name but I have grown to appreciate that it is who I am. I go by Michelle to most people, Micki to my family and oldest friends, Aunt Mimi to my nieces and nephews, and Shelbee in the blogging community which has translated to regular life as well. 

If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and which part of your body would it be?
I already have lots of tattoos, but there is one that I have always wanted and never quite got around to it. On the outside of my right calf, I have wanted to memorialize my deceased parents in the forms of their Chinese Zodiac signs. My mother’s sign is a Rat and my father’s is a Dragon.
I envision a rat holding a tiger lily (my Chinese Zodiac is a Tiger) with a dragon sleeping in the top of the flower and a vibrant moon shining down upon him. This represents my mother as the major support system in our lives (tiny and mighty) holding me up so I can reach my father.
There are also significant song lyrics that I want added around the lily…near the rat, my mother, “And holds me so high, yes, I am free” (from Beth Hart’s song “Mama”) and near the dragon (my father), “How was I to know he thought I hung the moon?” (from Reba McEntire’s “The Greatest Man I Never Knew”) I can picture every detail of this artwork. Perhaps one day I will have it done. 

Which is your favourite season and why?
Autumn. It has always been Autumn. I love the changing of the season and the colours of Fall. I love when football season begins as it makes me nostalgic for my childhood. I love the crisp fresh air and of course the fall fashions. I always loved the beginning of a new school year as it marked a new beginning for me every year rather than the turn of the new year. 

Which foundation is your favourite?
I am a low end kind of girl when it comes to makeup…I usually go for Loreal or Maybelline in a matte finish in light ivory. 

What is your perception about Christmas tree that is real or fake?
I love the aroma of a real tree but I can’t tolerate the hassle and the shedding needles. So we have an artificial tree. I can’t even remember the last time I had a real tree in my home. I was probably 10 years old. 

What is your favourite Christmas movie?
I am a hopeless romantic, so I have to say The Family Stone is my favorite with Love, Actually coming in a close second.

What’s your favourite Christmas meal? Any seafood, all the seafood, by itself or in pasta dishes. 

Do you like the giving gifts and receiving gifts on Christmas?
I am a bit of a humbug because I actually do not enjoy the whole consumerism aspect behind gift giving at all. We have made it a point to minimize gift giving over the past few years and really only get a few gifts for the children while we focus on the deeper meaning of Christmas…love, caring, kindness, charity, time together. So I actually do not enjoy giving or receiving gifts on Christmas. Now any other time of the year, I do so love to give a random gift to a loved one for no reason at all.

Where do you do your Christmas shopping?
Since I don’t do much shopping at all and I really cannot tolerate crowded stores, I have done most of my shopping on Amazon this year. Any other bits and pieces that I have needed, I have shopped local small businesses. 

What’s the trendiest look that you want to try soon?
I have always loved the trend of true vintage style. Not replicas of vintage pieces, but the actual original pieces from days of yore. I so admire women (and men) who take the time to seek out unique vintage pieces and style them in ways that they appear current and modern with an eclectic twist. I would love to try this trend, but I can never seem to find any vintage pieces in my size. I am thinking 1920’s-1960’s when women were much daintier than I am! 

If you are asked to carry only one makeup item with you, what would be that?

Do you take any beauty supplement?

Which primer is your favourite?
I don’t use a primer. 

Do you think that the clothes we wear reflect what is inside us?
Absolutely. I love that I can assume any persona that I like on any given day just by dressing the part. I am a bit of a style chameleon shifting from preppy to pin up to Goth to sporty to boss lady and everything in between. This is a true reflection of my personality which refuses to fit neatly inside some societally prescribed box…there will be no boxes here and in the famous words of Catherine Summers of Not Dressed as Lamb, “I will wear what I like!”

What type of clothing do you consider as provocative?
I don’t really think of clothing itself as provocative. I think provocation comes more from the attitude and the demeanor of the person wearing the clothing. And often times, a label of provocative comes from outside the person altogether and exists only in the viewer’s eyes. For example, I don’t see an underwear advertisement as provocative, but I am sure there are many people who do. I also don’t agree with the overarching idea that nudity is sexual or provocative. 

How often do you go clothes shopping?
Ha, it depends how much money I have to spend! If there is significant cash overflow for shopping, I would go nearly every day. But when funds are running low, I stay away from the stores! Recently, I have been controlling my shopping habits and go maybe once a month. 

Do you dress the same when you are depressed as you do when you are very happy?
No, I actually tend to dress better when I am depressed. It is the perfect way to boost my mood when I feel it sinking. I will put on some of my fanciest, brightest clothes and go do an outfit photo shoot. 90% of the time, my mood is lifted. Just by virtue of looking good, I start to feel good. 

How much time do you spend getting ready?
About 45 minutes after I have showered. This includes makeup application, drying and styling my hair, and choosing my clothing and then steaming it before putting it on. However, I usually shower and then sit in my bathrobe, drinking coffee and making my morning blog rounds for about 2 hours before I start the getting ready process. 

What are you most thankful for?
Oh goodness, there is so much that I am thankful for. I am thankful every single day that I have been granted the opportunity to make a difference, to do things better than the day before, to improve myself and contribute in a positive way to the world. I am thankful for my husband and my children, my friends and family, my support networks like my therapist, my women’s group, and the blogging community. I am so grateful for my health and my happiness as well as my ability to the things that I love to do. I also am so thankful for my journey, all of the ups and downs, the achievements and losses, every mistake and experience…for they all have brought me to this most amazing place in life where I am overwhelmed with gratitude on a daily basis.

See Also:
25 questions with Uzo of style and beauty lounge
25 questions witrh Kara of Kara’s closet
25 questions with Nancy of Nancy’s fashion style

question tag


  1. December 11, 2019 / 11:12 am

    Thank you so much for spotlighting me! What an honor. These were really great questions, too. It was a lot of fun to answer and share a bit more about myself! Keep up the great work with these wonderful features!


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